Mission – What we do.
We provide our members safe, reliable, electric service.
Vision - Why we’re here.
To Serve Our Membership.
Values - How we work together.
Safety - We will consistently promote a culture of safety for the protection of our employees, membership, and the public.
Our Members - We will treat each member with respect, balancing their needs with the needs of our membership. We welcome our members' opinions and include their current and future needs in our plans, decisions and actions.
Our Employees - We will recognize employees as individuals and provide each with a safe, positive working environment with an opportunity for growth and success.
Integrity - We will conduct our business with the utmost integrity and ethics.
Accountability - We will be accountable to our members and responsible for our actions. We will be fiscally responsible in conducting our business for our members.
Innovation - We will utilize advanced technology and encourage innovative methods when cost effective to enhance delivered services and quality of life.
Our Communities - We will care for our communities by supporting employee involvement and allocating resources to activities and projects that will enhance the quality of life for our members.
Our Environment - We will show respect for our physical environment, striving to preserve it for the members and employees of tomorrow.
Communication - We will communicate and share information openly with our members and employees, with respect for confidential information.