Each year Grundy County REC members meet at the cooperative's annual business meeting on the first Thursday evening in September to elect board members, hear reports from the President, Secretary, Treasurer, and General Manager and receive cooperative updates!
Stay tuned for more information on the 2025 Annual Meeting!
Annual Meeting info
Articles of Incorporation: Election Process
SECTION 2. (a)The territory served or to be served by the Cooperative shall be divided into seven (7) districts, each of which shall contain as nearly as possible the same number of members and shall be composed of one or more contiguous townships. Each district shall be represented by one (1) Board Member. (The district breakdowns are available at the cooperative headquarters; members can request a printed or emailed copy)
(b) Not less than one hundred twenty (120) days before the Annual Meeting of the members at which meeting, Board Members are to be elected, the Board should review the composition of the seven districts and, if it would find inequalities in representation, which could be corrected by a redelineation in the districts, the Board should reconstitute the districts so that each shall contain as nearly as possible, the same number of members.
(c) The Nominating Committee shall be appointed not less than sixty (60) days or more than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Such Nominating Committee shall be composed of those Directors of the Cooperative whose terms expire one (1) year after the Annual Meeting for which nomination of candidates for Directors are being made and other members of the Cooperative who shall be appointed by the President of the Board of Directors. The members appointed by the President of the Board of Directors shall be members of the districts for which Directors shall be elected at the current Annual Meeting. Each nominee for Director shall be a voting member who resides in the district for which a Director is being elected at the current Annual Meeting and shall meet the qualifications for becoming or remaining a Director.
The Nominating Committee shall prepare a list of nominees identifying each candidate by name, address, and the Director district in which they reside. The Nominating Committee shall make a good faith effort to nominate two (2) candidates for each Director position to be filled. In the event the Committee is unable to identify two (2) candidates for each position who consent to be nominated, the Committee may nominate only one (1) candidate for the position. The written list of nominations of the Nominating Committee shall be posted at the office of the Association not less than thirty (30) days prior to mailing the notice of the Annual Meeting of members. For ten (10) days after posting of the list of nominations by the committee, additional nominations of members residing in the district of the vacancy may be made by written petition on forms provided on request of any member and signed by not less than fifteen (15) members of the Association. Any member nominated shall give prior consent to such nomination whether by committee or petition.
The notice of the Annual Meeting of members shall list the names of all nominees for the office of Director.
(d) At each regular Annual Meeting, a number of Directors equal to the number of Directors whose terms expire at the time of such Meeting shall be elected to hold office for the term of three (3) years, and until their respective successors shall have been elected and qualified.
(e) The election of Directors shall be by ballot.
(f) Each voting member of the Cooperative present at the Annual Meeting shall be entitled to vote for one (1) candidate in each district from which Directors are to be elected at the Annual Meeting. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes in each District at the Annual Meeting shall be considered elected as a Board Member for that district.
The cooperative’s attorney serves as the Parliamentarian and oversees the voting and director election process during the Annual Meeting. All cooperative members have the right to vote and are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting to vote in person. A Notice of the Annual Meeting of Members is mailed to all Grundy County REC members.
When you get your electricity from a cooperative, you are not just a number, you are a member...an owner, and you have a say in how your cooperative is run. Grundy County REC lives by seven guiding principles of cooperatives, one of which is democratic member control. We encourage our members to take an active role in the life and governance of the Cooperative.
How? By running in the board elections each year! Our board is made up of seven members, who live and often work in the communities we serve. Because our directors are members themselves, they personally know what members need and expect out of their electric utility provider.
Why Should You Consider Serving?
- To be involved
- To help make the best decisions for fellow cooperative members and your cooperative
- To be informed of key industry topics impacting you and your way of life
- Great education and networking opportunities
- Develop relationships that will last a lifetime
If you would like to be a director or you know of someone who would be a great director, please submit board candidate nominee suggestions to our cooperative office at 319.824.5251.
For more information on serving as a director, visit the Board of Directors tab on our website.
The Board of Directors is responsible for direction the affairs of Grundy County REC, which include tasks such as:
- Providing cooperative management with strategic direction and guidance
- Oversee the financial integrity of the cooperative
- Attend educational training opportunities and earn industry certifications
- Represent the best interests of the membership as a whole
- Attend monthly board meetings and annual industry events
To compensate for their time, directors receive a per-diem, reimbursement for business-related travel expenses, and mileage reimbursement set by the IRS.
Active members of Grundy County REC are able to vote by mail with the provided mailed ballots or vote in person at the annual meeting event. Return ballots are accepted via mail, in-person to the office, or at the annual meeting.